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MJR Signal Controller
MJR Bell Ringing Module

scheduled signal controler runs workshift bells and horns with the Amano MJR7000 and Amano MJR8000 time clock. In stock.

Our Price: $119.00
Amano MJR Bell Ringer Module

Accessories & Supplies:

DetailsIDProduct NameDescriptionPriceAdd To Cart
Click 407 25 foot bell wire25 foot bell wire$19.95
Click 404 50 foot bell wire50 foot bell wire$24.95
Click 405 100 foot bell wire100 foot bell wire$34.95
Click 88 Loud 6" fire bell110V shop bell, 96-102dB$89.00
Click 86 Loud 4" 120V Buzzer120V horn, 102db - adjustable volume$139.00


Amano MJR Signal Kit

If you are purchasing an Amano Clock from us, we will install this for you at no additional charge. Yes, that's free-labor and tech support.

We've done this before..., you know this.

Need a loud  horn?  Real Loud?
How about an adjustable 102db? 
They will hear it over the machinery

Running multiple bells?  Call, we know how!
Do you have an existing bell system?  No Problem!  Call us.

Amano MJR7000 signal kit, Amano MJR8000 signal kit, how it works

It is another circuit board that gets installed inside the clock. A program inside the clock tells closes a 5 amp solid state relay, allowing 110 Volts to flow through at that particular time, on that particular day, for a preset length of time, typically 2 or 3 seconds.

That 110 volts then either rings a 110V bell or horn, or can be dropped down to 24VAC with one of our unique power supplies.  Once it becomes low voltage, we (that would be YOU) can run simple speaker/lamp cord from buzzer to buzzer, etc. without expensive conduit.

It can be made to run Monday - Friday, Monday - Sunday, or any days you want.  You could have it running one standard program Monday - Friday, and maybe only twice on Saturday such as 9:00AM and 1:00PM.

Give us a call. We custom build work-shift timers!


Our Bells are LOUD, they can be made quieter.

Using an Android app, we've been testing how loud is "Loud". 
Everyone has an opinion, we have some facts to share.

A bedroom at night in the country, windows closed:  28 - 32 db
A bedroom at night in the city with the windows closed:  42- 46 db

Office environment, people chattering:  62db

American Airlines 737 inside just behind the wing during takeoff  82 - 86
Same jet, landing with the reverse thrusters on:  88db  That ROAR you hear..

It seems that no one offers anything louder than 102db, max, unless it goes on a train, ocean liner, or fog horn.  In some cases loudspeakers are used on farms, we don't have them, but our equipment will ring them.

More bells or horns does not make it louder, it just makes it more pervasive - easier to hear through the machinery, across the rooms, over the land.