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Amano Black Ribbon
CP3000 and other models ribbon
Amano CP3000, CP5000, TS3000i, TS4000i, NS5100 black ribbon in original manufacturers box. Has the ink reservoir.
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Amano CP5000 time cards
C3000 - One sided, box of 1,000
Amano CP3000, CP5000, TS3000i, TS4000i, NS5100 black ribbon in original manufacturers box. Has the ink reservoir.
Only the original manufacturers ribbon will work in the Amano CP3000
No other ribbon will work in that machine, but they will "fit." However, the sensors will not see the ink, and it will overprint, every time.
This is also the correct ribbon for the Amano NS5100.
The NS5100 will use a PIX ribbon in a pinch, but they last 1/4 as long as the factory one with the ink reservoir.