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Replacing TimeSource with TimeVue

How to replace TimeSource with TimeVue:

  1. Make an archive, store it on the computer, and also on a thumb drive (copy it over).
    2) disconnect the clock's data cable, at the clock, connect it when you have finished the software work.
    3) From the control panel, delete TimeSource, and delete the files that come with dangerous warnings. It's okay.
         Also from the control panel, delete Tibbo.
    4) From Windows Explore, find TimeSource and delete it. 
    Reboot the computer.
    Insert the CD and install the software, you will need to got to
    www.icontime.com to register the software and get the activation code.
    Install the activation code, leave the CD in, reboot the PC.  Once that's done
    (3 minutes, be patient), remove the CD.

    Open the program.   Select Archive, tell it to restore, find that archive file and restore it. 
    Tell it to APPEND TO EXISTING DATA.  Not overwrite.

    Plug the clocks data cable back in.

    Go to time clocks, make it communicate.  Toggle different COM port numbers,
    until TEST says OKAY.  If you get stuck here, call Icon Support. 

    Poll the clock.
    It should work.