Amano MJR repairs, service, on site Albany, Lake George, Plattsburg, R
Amano MJR repairs and service, on site Albany, Lake George, Plattsburg, Rutland VT, Warrensburg NY, Schylerville NY, Amsterdam NY, Granville NY, and more.
Our technician is in Glens Falls, so we can come to you within one to two business days. Full service, on-site programming - and program corrections. Reprogram the bells, set up paid breaks or manditory break times, custom quarter hour rounding, IN-Punch Rounding Zones (to prevent early IN-punches from accruing paid time), Automatic Lunch Deductions, updating daylight savings time settings.
We replace broken printers, burned out sensors, corroded keypads, remove jambed cards, replace blown power supplies, move the clock to another room or building, etc. 30 years hands-on experience, local technician in the Upstate region.