Work Shift - Factory Bell
6 inch bell, 110volts, shop bell and warehouse bell
96-102dB at 1 meter, depending on conditions .46MA draw
Using an Android app, we've been testing.
A bedroom at night in the country, windows closed: 28 - 32 db
A bedroom at night in the city with the windows closed: 42- 46 db
Office environment, people chattering: 62db
American Airlines 737 inside just behind the wing during takeoff 82 - 86dB
Same jet, landing with the reverse thrusters on: 88db That ROAR you hear..
So this is LOUDER.
It seems that no one offers anything louder than 102db, max, unless it goes on a train, ocean liner, or fog horn. In some cases, loudspeakers are used on farms, we don't have them, but our equipment will ring them.
More bells or horns are not louder;
it just makes it more pervasive - easier to hear through the machinery,
across the room, over the backround noise.