6” shop bell, factory bell, Pyramid time clock bell
24VDC, low voltage wiring
EASY connection to a Pyramid 7000 and 5300 signal timer
Low current draw, put up to 8 on a single circuit
14 to 22 gauge twin stranded wire
If you want to make it so these are “LOUD”, call us
We have developed a convertor that connects with your 110VAC or 24VAC bell system.
This bell can be loud
Using an Android app, we've been testing.
A bedroom at night in the country, windows closed: 28 - 32 db
A bedroom at night in the city with the windows closed: 42- 46 db
Office environment, people chattering: 58 to 66 db
On a recent Southwest Air flight, inside just behind the wing during takeoff 82 - 86
Same jet, landing with the reverse thrusters on: 88db That ROAR you hear..
It seems that no one offers anything louder than 102db, max, unless it goes on a train, ocean liner, or fog horn. In some cases loudspeakers are used on farms, we don't have them, but our equipment will ring them.
More bells or horns does not make it louder, it just makes it more pervasive - easier to hear through the machinery, across the rooms, over the land.